2025 Plot Applications are Available!
If you are renewing a plot, please complete an application and mail in or drop off at the Eagle Heights Community Center by February 15, 2025. New gardeners can apply any time. Contact the Garden Registrar at ehgardens@rso.wisc.edu if you have any questions.
About the Gardens
The Eagle Heights Gardens are for growing food for the University of Wisconsin and Madison communities. We are recognized as one of the oldest and largest community gardens in the United States. As a garden of faculty, staff, students, and community members, we have growing techniques and food culture from many countries. Please join us in growing food organically, building soil patiently, and creating a community of gardeners from around the world.
Thank You to Our Seed Fair Donors
We are very fortunate to have seeds donated that can be distributed to our gardeners. Besides the Seed Fair in the spring, seeds sometimes are put out on the share shelf periodically during the season.